Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Newest Weakness

Well, here it is, my newest weakness...decaf, sugar-free chai tea by David Rio.  And it is wonderful!  I found this at a local gift shop and thought I would give it a whirl.  Boy, am I glad I did!  I have been missing my daily coffee/chai tea fix and thought I would try to find something at the very least sugar-free.  I didn't want to go back to caffeine, but thought, what is one cup a day going to do to me?  Wire me up, that's what!  LOL  I tried their other flavor, which was sugar free, but had caffeine, it was called Orca I believe.  This one is much better in my books, but that's just a personal preference. 

You can find the stats here along with pricing and recipes.  But as always, you can find it at which is where I will be ordering my next batch from.  I paid $11.99 for my canister and Amazon is by far a lot cheaper (was there any doubt) but shipping is a little steep in my own opinion, but that's just me.  I love the convenience of shopping in my pj's from my recliner, so I'll totally pay that shipping to get my fix if it means I don't have to get dressed.  Lazy?  Yes!  Do I care?  NO!!!!  So try some and let me know what you think.  I'm sure you're going to love it as much as I do!

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