Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Oh Happy Day!!!

Finally after being on 12 hour shifts for the last year and a half at work, we are on a new schedule.  We have gone back to 8 hour shifts!!!!  Those 12's were beating us up emotionally, physically and mentally, coupled with no breaks had every one of us bitchy, sleepy and just plain worn out.

I was working 3pm to 3am, so not only did my sleep schedule suffer, but so did my diet and exercise routine.  My weight loss slowed WAY down, which was expected, but I didn't think it would be so soon.  I felt like I was always on the go and rushing, rushing, rushing.  I would come home and go to bed between 4 and 5.  Then up at 11:30, take a shower, go for a walk and then rush home, pack food for work (not always good choices) and go work for 12 hours. 

Being a 911 dispatcher is stressful enough, but having/trying to figure out all of these puzzle pieces of weight loss, exercising and counting calories was enough to push me over the edge.  So, when we were told we were going back to 8 hour shifts, I was so excited.  This is my chance to get back on track and use my tool to the best of my ability.  I can't complain, I'm down 89 pounds...89 POUNDS!  Can you believe it?!  I would like to be down 100 pounds by July 1, and under 200 pounds before my 9 month follow up July 13.  I think it's, I gotta wrap this up, get my rear in gear and get outside and walk, walk, walk! 


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