Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Are We Too Hard On Ourselves?

How I Felt Yesterday

Yesterday was not one of my better days.  I was all excited to get up, finish Week 3 of C25K, move onto Week 4 and have a kick ass day!  But what really happened was I woke up still sleepy, my head was full of thoughts from the past and I just wasn't mentally in the game.  But I thought to myself that I would still rock out my run and feel great.  WRONG!!!!!

I got all geared up and headed to my parent's for my treadmill workout and failed.  Miserably!  I couldn't even finish.  Week 3 goes as follows (for those of you that don't know) Walk for 5 minutes, run for 1 1/2 minutes, walk for 1 1/2 minutes.  Then run for 3 minutes, walk for 3 minutes.  Repeat that and then cool down for 5 minutes.  I made it thru the second run/walk for 1 1/2 minutes and that was it.  I hit that brick wall that everyone fears.  And I hit it hard!  I was so mad at myself, I had to walk the rest of the workout.  This was the first time since I had started the C25K program that I couldn't finish!  WTF?!  To say I was pissed was an understatement and that feeling stayed with me the rest of the day!  I just couldn't shake it!  It didn't matter what people said, I remained in the funk until about 11pm last night.  I hate that!!!!

And then, for some reason, a light bulb came on.  GET OVER IT, KATE!  It was one bad workout in the last 3 weeks!  3 weeks you big baby!  Look how far you've come and you haven't quit!  Usually by now I've given up on exercising and losing weight.  And I've been losing weight for over 2 years!  You can still do this!  After yelling at myself and picking my mood up off the ground I felt SO much better.  I was right (for a change)!  Who cares!  It's one day!  Everyone is entitled to one bad day every now and then.  That's what makes us human.  Right?

I guess you could say I gave myself a pep talk in a round about way.  A much needed pep talk.  I'm going to re-do Day 3, Week 3 of C25K tomorrow...and ROCK THE HELL OUT OF IT!

Until next time!

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