Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pain, Lots Of Shoulder Pain

Today has not been all rainbows and unicorns for me.  I was the lucky recipient of a cortisone shot this morning in my left shoulder.  When I had my surgery in 2010, my arm was hyper-extended for over 2 hours and while my surgical team moved my arm around, it just wasn't enough.  So, since then, I've been having some pretty serious shoulder issues.  Today was my 4th shot since 2011 and for some reason it was the worst one of the bunch!  I may or may not have waited way too long this time around.  The pain came back around Thanksgiving but I got busy with the holidays and then back into working out so I basically just put it off.  BAD IDEA!  It's my own fault, but still.  I've been on ice all day, only this time it's been on my shoulder, not my knees. Weird.....

I'm sure you all will never guess what I have in my crockpot right now.  Yep!  You guessed it, Crockpot Taco Chicken Chili with a twist.  I used fire roasted tomatoes and then added a brick of cream cheese about an hour before it was done cooking.  I still used the frozen chicken and cooked it on low for 10 hours.  I'm pretty excited to see how it tastes. 

And last but not least...since I've been down and out today, there's been a lot of Pinterest time for me today (looking for a new short pixie cut) like Pink's and a lot of looking for some funny quotes.  I came across the below picture and just have to share it.  Only, I don't think I like it...I know I love it!

Until next time!

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